Sunday, October 27, 2019

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy and Understanding

We have been welcoming our peers from the CSSI classroom into our classrooms during centres and gym for several weeks. This week, we got to visit their classroom for their All About Me presentations! 


To prepare for our visit, kindergarten practiced interacting with CSSI students during centre time with the help of the iPad communication device. We practiced asking asking “yes/no” questions and then rehearsed several questions about the upcoming “All About Me” bag presentations so they could answer through their communication device.
After the presentations we reflected on 'similar and different' interests related to the objects CSSI students brought. Students were encouraged to choose one item that they thought they also liked or related to and drew this under the "same" column in our t-chart. Next, they chose one item that was different from something they would normally play with or relate to. They drew a picture of it under the "different" column. As they explained their responses, their thoughts and ideas related to the objects they drew were scribed for them. 
The next day, PM kindergarten reflected on similarities and differences between our classroom environments. Students noticed that there were several things that were the same, but also several that were different and that each student may need different things to learn best! We reflected on the similarities and differences in a second t-chart and explained our thoughts. Several students noticed they have more teachers because the students needed more help in their classroom. Or that they have less chairs and tables and more space in their classroom to walk around and rest on 'comfy chairs' when they need a break.
Helping students understand their unique characteristics and the characteristics of other learners in their school community will increase understanding and empathy towards others. Students are building relationships with their new CSSI friends and we are so excited to continue to strengthen these bonds as the year progresses! 

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